A retinal scan with advanced technology known as optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a fast and non - invasive way to assess the health of your eyes. This scan can image the individual layers of the front and back of the eye, so we can see and measure delicate structures and blood flow and monitor any changes.
Using true colour ultra-widefield fundus imaging technology, we capture an ultra-wide, high-resolution image of your retina, facilitating comprehensive assessment of your eye health. This tool aids in the early detection and management of eye disease by identifying small changes in the far periphery of the eye. By documenting the health of your retina periodically, we can compare images side-by-side and detect subtle changes in your eyes over time. These changes might otherwise go unnoticed and can be the hallmark of early changes in your eye.
Modern vision testing at its best. A Contactless consultation experience combining comfort and convenience with speed and efficiency.
Unique technology for tailor made lenses. Through connected iProfiler refraction we can calculate an individualised prescription to 1/100th of a dioptre. With iScription lenses you can benefit from better night and low light vision as well as better colour vision.
The individualization of position of wear optimises the vision zones based on data from the frame, position of the eyes and fit of the frame on the nose and ears. This will allow for better vision by unlocking the full potential of 3D vision.
The team at See Eyecare is excited to be the ONLY health care provider in Launceston able to provide our clients with this cutting-edge technology.
IPL has an 85% success rate according to the newest study compiled earlier this year, if you’d like a copy of this study please ask Brooke or Beth. The exact mechanism is unknown at the moment, but it is proposed that the impulse light induces the mitochondrial activity within the meibomian glands to stimulate the glands to function more effectively (i.e. IPL stimulates the glands to produce a sufficient amount and better quality of oil). The other proposed mechanism is that the IPL reduces the lid bacterial and/or demodex load which in turn reduces the pro-inflammatory effects of these microorganisms. IPL may also reduce the pain associated with eyelid inflammation.
$250 per treatment – generally 3 treatments are required, some people need a 4th session.
Treatments required at specific intervals – Day 1, Day 14, Day 45 and sometimes Day 75.
A yearly top up treatment is recommended by our optometrists to prevent regression of the tear film quality and lid condition.
The treatment cost includes all consumables needed for IPL, a subjective and objective assessment of your dry eye and a tailored treatment regimen specific to your needs. Please note that you may still need to use eyedrops for your dry eye post-treatment, the aim is to improve the functionality of your meibomian glands and to hopefully reduce your reliance on eyedrops.
On the day of your IPL appointments we request that no make-up to be worn and for men to ensure they shave.